Isaiah 40:11


Isaiah 40:11
He will feed His flock like a shepherd, He will gather the lambs in His arms, He will carry them in His bosom, and He will gently lead those that are with young.

He will gently lead those that are with young.

He knows. He knows being a mom is hard and that I am trying to pray but I keep falling asleep. He will gently lead me.

He knows I lose my patience over really stupid things like only being able to find one of every pair of shoes a certain child owns when we are already late for school. He will gently lead.

He knows that I worked really hard to make a nice dinner for the family and then my husband had to work late and missed it and I had to go pick up a child from school and I missed it too. He will gently lead me.

He knows the baby is sick and just wants to be held today, and I didn’t get a chance to do my bible study. He will gently lead.

He knows that life is messy and that it is extra messy when you are “with young” and your dryer is broken.

He knows. He will slow down and wait for me. He is gently leading.

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